My Xena Dog Blog

My Xena Dog Blog


Welcome to XENA world!

Today, I went on a car ride.
Going for car rides are one of my favorite things to do.
I smell lots of things humans can't.

This is Scott's way to try to introduce me to new food.
He doesn't seem to understand that I prefer my regular food.   
I like to eat - up on the look-out tower.
(The living room couch.)

Coffee in the morning.
I enjoy catching up on my Animal Planet shows.


Here is me and my friends Cecil and Bart.
See Bart on the left? We are protecting our house.


XenaTime SummerTime 2011

That's Me, Xena. Scott takes pictures of me.

I  am Lazy.

...just like my master, Scott.

All I do is wait around.

watching tv


On the docks. Bark! That is a lot of water!

Cones are fun, but only for pictures.

It's Cool, on the rocks
and on the wood chips too.
This is MY yard.

Sometimes I just drop everything and sleep.

It's lunch time!

How embarrassing! Delete this photo.

Here is my friend Tigger.
He is very wise.

Here is Scott, laying on my pillow.

Hey! It's Play time again! 
And, that is MY squeaky toy.

Here is me on one of my limo rides.

Here is my friend Cecil.

Here is my other friend, Bart.

Here is all of us,
staring at a treat for Scott to take our picture.

Here I am watching the Family Guy TV show.
 I like Brian.

By the way, I can Hear everything.

It's Nap Time Again.

By the way, I also have X-ray vision.
I see everything. Yes. EVERYTHING.

Here is me and my chicken treat. I love dried chicken strips.
Those poor little chickens, little did they know. Oh well.
Nom Nom Nom.

Here is us on another important car ride,
with Bart as the co-pilot.

Cecil likes the cozy box seat.


Let me in!


Here is Cecil and I on another car ride.
We like discussing landscaping ideas,
looking at other dog's yards.

Here we all are, guarding the house.
Warning - Bart Has X-Ray Vision Too.

It's  Bankee  Time!