Here a bunch of photos I found on Scott's Phone.
This is Me and Bart going somewhere.
This is me waiting for Scott (My Scott)
to stop playing with his dumb "smart" phone.
Walking around, looking at things is one of my favorite things to do.
That's my friend Cecil. He is Cool.
We are looking down..down the stairs.
Here we are waiting and sleeping.
All these wires overwhelm me.
Me and Scott.
Me and MY Toy.
What the hole is that?
These are my halloween buddies.
They don't talk. That's kind of Spooky!
Whatever. I will protect them.
My daily duty is to protect.
I sit here and patrol everyday.
Being bored hurts. I need TREATment. (treats)
Here is me walking fast.
I like the leaves in the fall.
Certain things can be harder to see, in the leaves.
It's a soft subject.
Scott's car comes with built-in dog food bowls. Very Smart.
There is Me. With Scott.
Me again, with Scott. Sleepy.
This is Bart. (behind ME) He is my other dog friend.
Here, Me and Turtle are playing "Statue". Turtle wins.
He never stops playing that game. He is amazingly still, like a rock!
I see an intruder near by!
I have a heightened awareness to protect by domain!
Some people think my ears look big.
I can hear everything with them.
Even what people think. Ha!
This is Tigger and I. We watch TV together.
This is some sort of dog food.
Here is Tigger and Bart. Tigger has a treat that looks like a bone.
We all know Bart wants that treat too.
Scott got me a new dog bed thing.
I think I will try it.
Nice and Comfy.
This is me smiling.
This is me when I am "activated".
This is not working for me. It cramps my style.
Scott is holding up a treat
next the camera to keep my attention.
I eat lots of treats and
I am not interested in that other kind of food.
We Hate Bath Time.
Lazy Lazy Lazy
I bet there is a cover up!
Food Coma
Caught in the act! It's All Mine.