My Xena Dog Blog

My Xena Dog Blog


Going on a car ride. Backseat driving.

Limo rides are a luxury. It is faster than walking. The view is great.
I just wish my driver, Scott, will stop playing such
annoying music. I like to look over his shoulder and see where I am going. 


Did I hear the W word?

Someone said my ears are my "excitement indicators". Watch this video...
I put my ears up as my non-verbal question mark!
I get so excited when I get asked if I want to go on a walk.
It is like I can't believe what I thought I heard!
Scott is so good to me. :)!



I see that Scott is videotaping me, as I prepare the pillows for my daily meditation session.
This is serious work, which demands my complete concentration and energy. I strive to
customize my surroundings for the optimum in comfort, for the maximum effect.
Color arrangement is also important to me, so that I will look good among them at any time.
You can see, it is obvious, that I do not prefer the way Scott has decorated
my sofa with these cheap pillows.

Here, I sit.

This is where I landed. There are too many pillows to worry about right now. 

On Guard!!


My Fans

Cool times here, hanging out with some of my fans.
When Scott does my laundry, my bed smells clean and fresh. I am so comfortable. Today is a good day for a nap.

Window Time

Cecil is my friend. He likes to bark at anything that moves. Here we are, both on Rabbit and Squirrel Patrol.


I am on my way somewhere. Hello !  Excuse me...Wait,  What?
Scott always seems to be using that picture taking thing.
Sometimes I think he is taking pictures of the inside of his ear with it.
He talks to it too! Scott is always tapping it and pressing it.  Strange. Very Strange....