My Xena Dog Blog

My Xena Dog Blog


We're Going Up North!

Scott said to "get in the car, we're going on a long car ride".
The last time I heard him say that, we went on a vacation -UP NORTH!
We are! We are! We are GOING UP NORTH!
In Michigan, we say "Up North" when we drive to the Northern part of the state.
You can't see it, but my tail is wagging like crazy.
Scott packed my squeaky toys too! Woo Hoo!!!!

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

This sure is a long car ride!

We made it!  It sure is beautiful here! What a Grand Lake!
There are lots of things to see and do on a vacation Up North. I am very excited.


Now, Scott is driving me, in my limo, to downtown Alpena.
It is nice to escape all the nature stuff
and experience the local city life for a while

In this photo, next to me, you can see my human, Scott.

There are so many things to see. I don't know where to go first.
I see there is a brick path over there. We shall follow it.

I think this brick road should be yellow.

We sure are high above the water.

 I am glad this bridge is here for me to cross.
It could be troubled water down there.

Alpena has an impressive post office!
There are lots of mail and bulletins for me to read.

Scotty gave me some Ice Cream !
Yum!  I really love Ice Cream!
Thank You Scott.

Nom Nom Nom...

That Ice Cream was really good.
I am full now. My tongue is cold. I am tired too. 

 Look at that misspelling.
I like to whine. I have good taste. That looks fun.

This is very relaxing. Life is good.

I like Northern Michigan. We are going back home later today. I will be back again soon.
This was a nice vacation "Up North".